All posts by ee30

Rice News and Other Media Outlets Feature our Work on using Quantum Dots for Controlled Polymerizations

Congratulations to Yiming and Yifan for this great work! This work has been highlighted by Rice News,,, SciTechDaily, AAAS EurekAlert, others

2018 PMSE Young Investigator

Eilaf has been selected as the American Chemical Society  2018 PMSE Young Investigator. This distinction is meant to honor young researchers from academia, industry and national laboratories who have made significant contributions to their respective fields within Polymer Science and Engineering. The awards are supported by PMSE (polymer materials science engineering) division of the American Chemical Society.  The awardees will be honored with a symposium at the 256th national meeting of the American Chemical Society held in Boston, MA August 19-23, 2018.

Welcome to the Egap Lab!

The Egap lab is an interdisciplinary research team interested in developing novel and well–defined macromolecular structures, elucidate structure-property relationships, and engineer new and creative technologies that address societal challenges in human health and alternative energy. We utilize tools from synthetic organic chemistry, polymer chemistry, and biomedical engineering to investigate fundamental scientific challenges addressing applications ranging from biological imaging, diagnostics, and delivery of therapeutics, to photovoltaic and magnetic devices. Broadly, we are interested in molecular design and synthesis, self-assembly of polymeric nanomaterials, and engineering multifunctional materials with highly controlled architecture.